Natalie C. Arnette, Ph.D.

Common Goals of Psychological Evaluations:

  1. Identification of an emotional, behavioral, or learning problem

  1. Recommendations for educational planning or accommodations

  1. Increased specificity of treatment or educational goals

Contact information:

(404) 406-5655


Psychological evaluation is often initiated with the goal of identifying or clarifying emotional, behavioral, or learning issues, and usually results in  informed recommendations for treatment planning or educational/vocational accommodations. A comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation is necessary to diagnose learning disabilities, and is recommended when Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is suspected. Dr. Arnette provides testing designed to assess cognitive functioning (such as intellectual capacity, attention, and executive functioning), academic achievement, memory, social/interpersonal skills and a range of emotional and behavioral characteristics.

The fees for psychological evaluation depend upon the nature of the presenting concerns, and are calculated according to the amount of time required to conduct the diagnostic/developmental  interview, administer and score specific tests, interpret the results, and provide oral feedback and a detailed written report of the results.  Fees will be discussed with each client/family prior to the initiation of assessment services.

Psychological Evaluation